Check Every Box on Your Private Education Dream List

Enrollment Information

What Cypress Offers

  • Chromebook computers
    • One computer per student
  • Science/Art Emphasis (S.T.E.A.M.)
  • Creative and educational art projects
  • “Real” learning: cooking, sewing, gardening, economics, hen-raising, etc.

We seek to provide a well-rounded educational experience that includes God, study, art, music, athletics and diversity. Cypress is not just a school, we’re a family!

*This list may change from year to year. Please contact us to ask about any programs you’re interested in.

Half-day Pre-K, Full-day Kindergarten, 1-8th grades


21500 Cypress Way, Ste A
Lynnwood, WA 98036
(Please call before visiting)

Class Hours

Classes – 8:30am-3:30pm
Pre-k – 8:30am-11:30am

Who is Cypress Adventist School?

Does one have to be an Adventist to enroll a student at Cypress School? The answer is NO.

In recent years about 40% of our students come from belief systems other than Adventist. We believe that Gods love extends to all of his children and that his family on earth is made up of a large tent of people.

We feel that the most significant measure of spirituality is found in how we treat each other. We believe that personal spirituality and values are best expressed in behaviors and actions. While we don’t hide the unique things that make us Adventist, we don’t believe in forcing others to believe the way that we do.

Our religious values and Bible curriculum are centered in the historic Judeo-Christian faith tradition found in the Scriptures. Students in lower grades study Bible heroes and learn Bible memory verses. Upper grade religion classes focus on a literature-based approach to studying the Bible. Students study both Old and New Testament Bible Books and themes in their whole literary context.

Visitors to our campus often comment on the diversity of our student population. We are indeed a global community. It infuses our school family with an exposure to and an appreciation of the diversity in our world.


Call the office at 425-775-3578 to inquire about before and after school arrangements.

How to Get Enrolled!

Registration Fees

  • Pre-K – $50 per student
  • K-8 – $500 per student ($750 per family) – Discounts for early registration.

Yearly Tuition

  • Pre-K – $275/month (M, W, F)
  • K (full-day) to 8 – Variable (maximum $625 per month, plus registration and supply fees)

Additional Fees (per student) due before the first day of school

  • Outdoor School: $150 (Gr. 6-8)
  • Field Trips (as needed)
  • Auburn Adventist Academy Arts Fair: $15 (Gr. 5-8)
  • Bus: $1250 per year

Our finance staff is committed to finding ways for any student that wants to be at Cypress School to be here. If you’re not sure how you can afford tuition, schedule an appointment and we’ll see what we can do.

Not convinced yet? Come see us in person!